Friday, September 30, 2005

United Bretheren in Christ

The past two Sundays, I have attended the same United Bretheren church. Again, I didn't see too many differences between it and my own denomination. I think it reminded ne more of my old church instead if the one I attend now. One difference - this church was crawling with kids. I'm not sure I've seen so many kids at one church! The service began with prayer and several worship songs, led by several people and accompianied by guitar and drums. Then there was an offeretory, which both Sundays was special music. They also each Sunday had someone come up either to do a monolgue that went with the sermon or to share testimony. The first Sunday I attended the message was about the lesson of the rich young ruler, and the second Sunday was on Jesus's teaching on children. This church seems to have a lot of programs, geared toward just about every age group. I felt welcomed, and liked the overall atmosphere of the worship.


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